Photo Credits

Thank you to these fine photographers who have helped make our website look so professional!

Photographer Photos
Danielle Clements Measuring a belly
Annalee making notes
Getting ready for an ultrasound (black and white)
Holding hands of woman in labour (black and white)
Doing an ultrasound while children watch
Steph Hayes Woman in labour in pool
Rebecca listening to heart rate
Woman breastfeeding
Measuring baby's head
Eleanor Dobbins Midwife with stethoscope on deck
Midwife holding baby while family looks on
Baby lying on white sheet
Lindsay Harpley Crying baby in bassinet (black and white)
Midwife with crying newborn (black and white)
Simple Moments Photography Newborn baby feet
Newborn with mom and big sister
Midwife looking at newborn in blanket
Newborn with stethoscope
Newborn in blue hat
Morgan Bress Photography Pregnant woman in field
Sleeping newborn in grey/green blanket

Haliburton & Bancroft Midwives

A small team of midwives offering prenatal, birth and postpartum care for women and newborns with the option of home or hospital birth for low risk women.

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